Our Services

  • Medication Managament

    Medication is not the only way to treat common mental health conditions, although they are indicated at times to help reduce symptom burden.

    If indicated, we will discuss various options, the risks & benefits of each, and the expected duration of treatment.

    We’ll also discuss goals that when achieved, will allow us to graduate you out of medication treatment.

  • Tele-Health

    At this time, Center for Integrative Psychiatry is operating over a 100% virtual, tele-psychiatry platform. We use a HIPAA compliant version of Zoom to conduct sessions.

    Note: To maintain the highest quality of care and safety, patients must join their video session from a private location such as their home, office, or their dorm room. Sessions initiated from a car or public space will need to be re-scheduled and the appropriate late cancellation fee will be charged.

  • Nutraceuticals and other supplements

    Supplements & nutraceuticals can enhance your wellbeing and offer a noticeable relief from symptoms of common mental health issues.

    Recommendations will be tailored to your needs and we will discuss the available evidence for any supplement/nutraceutical that we choose.

  • Mind-Body Medicine

    During your sessions, we may discuss mind-body medicine techniques to help regulate your nervous system, reduce anxiety, and achieve/maintain a state of inner peace in the fast-paced world we live in today. We do this by learning mindfulness and meditation techniques during our sessions together.

  • Lifestyle Coaching

    Sleep, exercise, and nutrition are often overlooked and can contribute greatly to the symptom burden we face in mental health. We can work together to identify and examine aspects of your lifestyle that may be contributing to your mental health struggles. Together, we will work on a plan to address these pain points to further enhance your mood, concentration, and energy levels.